Mini Mod (6-12) Training Session's
In these younger age groups. Our training sessions should be simple and easy to implement. This will ensure there is a focus on:
- Safety
- Fun & Enjoyment
- Positive feedback and encouragement
- Maximum participation
- Skill Development
Session Structure Overview
Rather than use a traditional training session structure, we have developed a mini/mod session structure for you. This structure incorporates three main activity types, these include:
- Closed Activities
- Open Activities
- Skill Biased Games
Find out more here

Using these activity types, the mini/mod training structure is:
- Start with a Game: split your players into two teams and let them play a game against each other on a modified field. If you choose to make this tackle instead of tag, ensure you have taught the players to tackle safely and they bring any protective equipment, such as a mouthgaurd or headgear that they wear during games.
- Closed Activity: implement a closed activity to allow players to practice a skill without to much external pressure
- Open activity: this type of activity will allow the players to practice the skill in an environment with added pressures
- Finish with a Skill Biased Game: These games are designed to highlight a particular skill in a game situation.