Respect, Inspire, Selflessness & Excellence
As a parent or guardian search for your postcode or suburb to see whether a RISE program is available near you. Check before registering that you or your child meets the eligibility requirements.
Due to eligibility requirements and capacity you may be ineligible for the RISE program. This will be confirmed via email within 10-15 business days after registration.
You've met the eligibility requirements, received confirmation of program face to face and online learning requirements. Get a head start by completing the Life-fit program and online learning modules. Having issue getting access?
As a passionate Rugby League participant you will have the opportunity to develop a range of skills to help grow and develop your love for the sport. Enjoy yourself, make new connections and see where you can take yourself.
That's a wrap - you've done it! Your program deliverer will provide information on the RISE carnival opportunity following the program completion. We hope you loved your experience and can't wait to see you continue to rise.
If you haven't met the eligibility requirements and require a refund your program manager will be in touch about next steps.
Return to the RISE page to find out more about how to get involved and the data behind this empowering development program.