Referee Programs

WILOP Program

WILOP Program

The Women in League Officiating Program (WILOP) is a development program focused solely on the development of female match officials from Community Football through to Tier 2 Officiating competitions (Intrust Super and Canterbury Cups).

Battlefields to Footyfields

Battlefields to Footyfields

Battlefields to Footyfields (B2F) is an NRL initiative that provides nationally recognised training for current and ex-serving ADF members and their immediate family. The program provides a great opportunity to hone newfound skills, make long lasting connections and participate in something that gives a renewed sense of belonging.

Beyond the Goal Posts

The Beyond the Goal Posts program focuses on officiating, seeing students achieve their Foundation 1 Refereeing accreditation.


Students are provided with all of the necessary knowledge and skills required to try their hand at refereeing, coaching or sports first aid with no need for previous experience or involvement. These programs can be incorporated into a range of ACARA accredited Secondary School courses.


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